There are many different theories about the birthplace of Greek god Zeus, king of the Olympian gods and the god of sky and thunder. Different stories often give different accounts. This image is of the Dikteon Cave in Crete, Greece, taken in 2009, which is home to the most popular account of the myth of Zeus’ birth. The other, and arguably less popular account, maps the king of gods’ birthplace in Ideon Adron Cave, located in another mountain range on the Greek island Crete. The story states that Rhea, Zeus’ mother, gave birth to Zeus in a cave in a Cretian mountain, saving his life by giving the titan Chronos a rock swaddled in baby cloths to eat instead of the babe.

Shared By: Sarah Selim
Source: Jerzy Strzelecki, Wikkimedia Commons
Image Alt Text: The image is of the inside of Dikteon Cave in Crete. Natural stalactites and stalagmites of stone puncture the inside, reflected by the water pooled at the cave\'s floor.

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